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The Players Club (1998)

R Comedy, Drama

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Writer and director Ice Cube (Anaconda, Friday) leads an all-star cast in The Players Club - a revealing, gritty and funny look at a gentlemen's club through the eyes of a strong-willed co-ed. For gorgeous and smart Diana (newcomer LisaRaye), there is no choice but to work her way through college. So it's difficult to resist the easy money that club owner Dollar Bill (Bernie Mac, How To Be A Player, Friday) offers her to strip at The Players club.

  • Directed by
    Ice Cube
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Lisa Raye
    Bernie Mac
    Monica Calhoun
    A.J. Johnson
    Alex Thomas
    Jamie Foxx
    Chrystale Wilson
    Adele Givens
    Larry Mc Coy
    Dick Anthony Williams
    Tom "Tiny" Lister Jr.
    John Amos
    Faizon Love
    Charlie Murphy
    Judyann Elder
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