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The Public Enemy (1931)

NR Crime, Drama

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James Cagney became a superstar with his gritty performance as a prohibition-era Irish-American street punk who tries to make it big in Chicago's organized crime world. Features the famous grapefruit-in-your-face scene with co-star Mae Clark. Co-starring the original Blonde Bombshell, Jean Harlow. Recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 400 greatest American films of all time. Inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry.

  • Directed by
    William A. Wellman
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    James Cagney
    Edward Woods
    Donald Cook
    Joan Blondell
    Jean Harlow
    Beryl Mercer
    Robert Emmett O'connor
    Leslie Fenton
    Murray Kinnell
    Mae Clarke
    Frank Jr. Coghlan
    Frankie Darro
    Snitz Edwards
    Ben Jr. Hendricks
    Eddie Kane
    Sam Mc Daniel
    Helen Parrish
    Lee Phelps
    Russell Powell
    Purnell B. Pratt
    Landers Stevens
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