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The Remains of the Day (1993)

PG Drama, Historical, Romance

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A butler's loyalty and service in the years before World War II is tested with the possibility of romance with a housekeeper, and when his master's cultivation of ties with the Nazi cause challenge his carefully maintained veneer of servitude.

  • Directed by
    James Ivory
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Christopher Reeve
    Anthony Hopkins
    Emma Thompson
    James Fox
    Peter Vaughan
    Hugh Grant
    Michel Lonsdale
    Tim Pigott Smith
    Patrick Godfrey
    Peter Cellier
    Paul Copley
    Peter Eyre
    Lena Headey
    Pip Torrens
    Rupert Vansittart
    Terence Bayler
    Caroline Hunt
    Wolf Kahler
    John Savident
    Jeffrey Wickham
    Emma Lewis
    Ben Chaplin
    Christopher Brown
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