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The Thin Man (1934)

NR Classics, Comedy, Suspense

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William Powell ("Life With Father") and Myrna Loy ("The Best Years of Our Lives") star as a husband-and-wife detective team who take on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts. Co-starring Maureen O'Sullivan ("David Copperfield"). Inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry and recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 400 greatest American films of all time.

  • Directed by
    W.S. Van Dyke
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    William Powell
    Myrna Loy
    Maureen O'sullivan
    Nat Pendleton
    Minna Gombell
    Porter Hall
    Henry Wadsworth
    William Henry
    Harold Huber
    Cesar Romero
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