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The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls (2011)

TV14 Documentaries, Documentary, Historical

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A hilarious cast of alter-ego characters and original music delivered in near-perfect harmonies which lead critics to claim that "Flight of the Conchords have nothing on this New Zealand musical comedy duo," (Time Out New York). The twins charm everyone with their sense of fun and justice. This is a film about the joy of discovering something you love to do, and a journey through more than two decades of social change and activism, with dollops of comedy along the way.

  • Directed by
    Leann Pooley
  • Starring
    Jools Topp
    Lynda Topp
    Paul Horan
    Billy Bragg
    John Clarke
    Charmaine Pountney
    Mereana Pittman
    Helen Clark
    Mark Trevorrow
    Don Mc Glashan
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