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The Town (Extended Cut) (2010)

NR Crime, Drama, Romance

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This extended cut version includes 26 minutes of additional footage not seen in theaters! Ben Affleck follows his acclaimed "Gone Baby Gone" directorial debut by directing, co-writing and starring in a taut thriller about robbers and cops, friendship and betrayal, love and hope and escaping a past that has no future. He plays Doug MacRay, leader of a Boston bank robber gang but not cut from the same cloth as his fellow thieves. When Doug falls into a passionate romance with the bank manager (Rebecca Hall) briefly taken hostage in their last heist, he wants out of this life and out of the town. As the Feds close in and the crew questions his loyalty, he has one of two choices: betray his friends or lose the woman he loves.

  • Directed by
    Ben Affleck
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Rebecca Hall
    Jon Hamm
    Jeremy Renner
    Blake Lively
    Owen Burke Owen Burke
    Titus Welliver
    Pete Postlethwaite
    Chris Cooper
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