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The Vanishing (1988)

NR Crime, Drama, Foreign

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A young man begins an obsessive search for his girlfriend after she mysteriously disappears during their sunny vacation getaway. His three-year investigation draws the attention of her abductor, a seemingly mild-mannered professor who, in truth, harbors a diabolically clinical and calculating mind. When the kidnapper contacts the man and promises to reveal his lover's fate, THE VANISHING unfolds with intense precision, culminating in a genuinely chilling finale that has unnerved audiences around the world.

  • Directed by
    George Sluizer
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Bernard Pierre Donnadieu
    Gene Bervoets
    Johanna Ter Steege
    Gwen Eckhaus
    Bernadette Le Sache
    Pierre Forget
    Mario Ivan Martinez
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