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The War Tapes (2006)

NR Documentary

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Straight from the front lines in Iraq, THE WAR TAPES is the first war movie filmed by soldiers themselves. Directed by Deborah Scranton, and produced by Robert May (The Fog of War) and Steve James (Hoop Dreams), THE WAR TAPES is Operation Iraqi Freedom as filmed by Sergeant Steve Pink, Sergeant Zack Bazzi, and Specialist Mark Moriarty. Steve is a wisecracking carpenter who aspires to be a writer. Zack is a Lebanese-American university student who loves to travel and is fluent in Arabic. Mike is a father and resolute patriot who rejoined the Army after 9/11.

  • Directed by
    Deborah Scranton
  • Starring
    Stephen Pink
    Mike Moriarty
    Zack Bazzi
    Lindsay Coletti
    Randi Moriarty
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