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The Wild One (1954)

TV14 Drama

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Johnny, the leader of a vicious biker gang who invades a small, sleepy California town. The leather-jacketed young biker seems hell-bent for destruction until he falls for Kathie, a good girl whose father happens to be a cop.

  • Directed by
    Laslo Benedek
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Marlon Brando
    Mary Murphy
    Robert Keith
    Lee Marvin
    Jay C. Flippen
    Peggy Maley
    Hugh Sanders
    Ray Teal
    John Brown
    Will Wright
    Robert Osterloh
    Robert Lee Bice
    Jerry Paris
    Alvy Moore
    Harry Landers
    Angela Stevens
    Bruno Ve Sota
    Pat O'malley
    Wally Albright
    Timothy Carey
    Ted Cooper
    Eve March
    Mary Newton
    Gil Stratton
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