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The Witches (1990)

PG Action & Adventure, Family, Horror

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Produced by Jim Henson, whose famed Creature Shop provided the amazing special effects, Academy Award-winner Angelica Huston stars in this fanciful and exciting story about a nine-year-old and his grandmother who turn the tables on a witch's plot to turn all the children of Britain into mice. Pia Lindstrom, WNBC-TV, calls it "Marvelous!... A triumph of imagination!" and Entertainment Weekly says "with relish and high comic style, Huston plays the ugliest, wartiest witch imaginable." Co-starring comedy legend Rowan Atkinson and Jason Fisher.

  • Directed by
    Nicolas Roeg
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Anjelica Huston
    Mai Zetterling
    Jasen Fisher
    Rowan Atkinson
    Bill Paterson
    Brenda Blethyn
    Jane Horrocks
    Anne Lambton
    Charlie Potter
    Sukie Smith
    Jenny Runacre
    Rosamund Greenwood
    Brian Hawksley
    Leila Hoffman
    Vincent Marzello
    Jim Carter
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