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Them! (1954)

NR Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Humanity confronts its most awesome challenge from hideous hordes of gigantic ant mutations spawned by atomic fallout. A golden oldie and a horror landmark, bristling with tension, thrills, and special effects.

  • Directed by
    Gordon M. Douglas
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    James Whitmore
    Edmund Gwenn
    Joan Weldon
    James Arness
    Onslow Stevens
    Sean T. Mc Clory
    Chris Drake
    Sandy Descher
    Don Shelton
    Fess Parker
    Olin Howland
    John Beradino
    Willis B. Bouchey
    Marshall Bradford
    James B. Cardwell
    Booth Colman
    Walter Coy
    Richard Deacon
    Eddie Dew
    Ann Doran
    Cliff Ferre
    Mary Ellen Hokanson
    Gayle Kellogg
    Jack Perrin
    William Schallert
    Douglas Spencer
    Dub Taylor
    Harry Tyler
    Lawrence Dobkin
    Hubie Sr. Kerns
    John Maxwell
    Leonard Nimoy
    Dean Cromer
    Dick Wessel
    Dorothy Green
    Joe Forte
    Charles Meredith
    John Close
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