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They Came Together (2014)

R Comedy, Independent, Romance

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This hilarious send-up of everyone's favorite guilty pleasure - the romantic-comedy - stars Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler as the most unlikely couple you'll meet outside a Nora Ephron film. Joel (Rudd) is a corporate suit vying to shut down Molly's (Poehler) quirky indie candy shop around the steal her heart. They live happily ever after...until they don't. But maybe they do? From the director of Wet Hot American Summer and Role Models comes this fresh, irreverent comedy with heart.

  • Directed by
    David Wain
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Paul Rudd
    Amy Poehler
    Cobie Smulders
    Max Greenfield
    Jason Mantzoukas
    Christopher Meloni
    Melanie Lynskey
    Ed Helms
    Bill Hader
    Ellie Kemper
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