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To Have and Have Not (1944)

NR Action & Adventure, Adventure, Classics

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Hollywood legend Humphrey Bogart ("The African Queen," "Casablanca") is a Martinique charter boat skipper who gets mixed up with beautiful Lauren Bacall ("The Big Sleep," "Misery") and underground French resistance operatives during WWII. Critics raved over sultry 19 year-old Bacall's powerful screen debut. Based on a novel by the great American novelist Hemingway with a script by Pulitzer Prize-winner William Faulkner.

  • Directed by
    Howard Hawks
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Humphrey Bogart
    Walter Brennan
    Lauren Bacall
    Dolores Moran
    Hoagy Carmichael
    Dan Seymour
    Marcel Dalio
    Sheldon Leonard
    Walter Molnar
    Walter Sande
    Paul Marion
    Sir Lancelot
    Eugene Borden
    Adrienne D'ambricourt
    Jean De Briac
    Elzie Emanuel
    Louis Mercier
    Joseph Milani
    Pedro Regas
    Marguerite Sylva
    Maurice Marsac
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