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Top Hat (1935)

TVG Comedy, Music/Musical, Romance

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Debonaire hoofer Fred Astaire ("Easter Parade") and the graceful Ginger Rogers ("Stage Door") star in this musical comedy about a woman who mistakenly thinks her best friend's husband is in love with her. Considered by many to be the dancing duo's best film, it features a classic Irving Berlin score, including "Cheek to Cheek" and the title song. Look for a young Lucille Ball as a florist shop clerk!

  • Directed by
    Mark Sandrich
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Fred Astaire
    Ginger Rogers
    Edward Everett Horton
    Erik Rhodes
    Helen Broderick
    Eric Blore
    Lucille Ball
    Phyllis Coghlan
    Gino Corrado
    Tom Costello
    Charles D. Hall
    Leonard Mudie
    Edgar Norton
    Dennis O'keefe
    Tom Ricketts
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