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Trash Humpers (2010)

Comedy, Drama, Horror

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TRASH HUMPERS follows a small gang of sinister 'elderly' peeping toms through the shadows of a nightmarishly familiar suburban landscape. Their shocking and sociopathic behaviour makes for unbearably compelling viewing that scorches itself onto the mind's eye. Married with a child, and now residing in his native Nashville, cinematic provocateur Harmony Korine shows no signs of settling down. Hailed as "the future of American cinema" by Werner Herzog, writer/ director Korine has blazed a trail with his consistently idiosyncratic output, including KIDS, GUMMO, JULIEN DONKEY-BOY and MISTER LONELY. TRASH HUMPERS sees him return to the big screen with an excoriating attack on the American Dream. A lo-fi production of white-heat intensity, Korine calls it, "a new type of horror; palpable and raw."

  • Directed by
    Harmony Korine
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Chris Gantry
    Brian Kotzur
    Rachel Korine
    Charles Ezell
    Travis Nicholson
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