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Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story (2006)


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Michael Winterbottom teams up with Steve Coogan again (24 Hour Party People) in this rollicking, inventive adaptation of the classic 18th Century comic novel, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne. The film multiplies Sterne's conceit to tell two stories: one of an 18th Century Englishman, Tristram Shandy (Steve Coogan); and that of the hapless 21st Century filmmakers who are adapting the notoriously unfilmable work. With Tristram Shandy, Winterbottom again affirms his protean talent as he delivers a zesty celebration of storytelling and the life that spills out of it.

  • Directed by
    Michael Winterbottom
  • Starring
    Shirley Henderson
    Jeremy Northam
    Steve Coogan
    Rob Brydon
    Keeley Hawes
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