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Unmistaken Child (2009)


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The beauty and splendour of Nepal is the breathtaking backdrop for this inspirational life affirming story. After his master dies, novice monk Tenzin Zopa embarks on a quest to find his reincarnation. His search leads him to a young boy who would appear to have all the attributes and disciplines of his master. Can this child really be Lama Konchog reborn ? Only a perilous journey to visit the Dalai Lama can bring an answer...... The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is difficult for most Westerners to grasp. Unmistaken Child explores the myths and legends that surrounds this belief in a beguiling, touching and even humorous experience.

  • Directed by
    Nati Baratz
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Tenzin Zopa
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