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Valentine's Day (2010)

PG13 Comedy, Romance

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Seen through the eyes of a multi-generational cast of characters, "Valentine's Day" threads its way through a variety of relationships - from first dates to longtime commitments, from young crushes to old flames, and from perpetual singles to unrequited loves. To tell the interconnecting stories, the film brings together one of the largest all-star ensembles ever assembled in one film.

  • Directed by
    Garry Marshall
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Julia Roberts
    Emma Roberts
    Anne Hathaway
    Jessica Alba
    Jessica Biel
    Jennifer Garner
    Shirley Mac Laine
    Bradley Cooper
    Ashton Kutcher
    Topher Grace
    Eric Dane
    Taylor Swift
    Jamie Foxx
    Kathy Bates
    Patrick Dempsey
    Hector Elizondo
    Queen Latifah
    Taylor Lautner
    George Lopez
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