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Vampires Suck (2010)

PG Comedies, Comedy, Horror Movies

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From the creators of Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans comes a spoof of pop culture and teenage vampire movies starring Jenn Proske as Becca, a high schooler who must choose between two hunky boys who both have killer smiles. While surrounded by vampires, werewolves (wereChihuahuas, anyone?) and gossipy teens with their own romantic dilemmas, the neurotic Becca also copes with her overprotective father and the school's impending prom.

  • Directed by
    Jason Friedberg
    Aaron Seltzer
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Jenn Proske
    Matt Lanter
    Diedrich Bader
    Chris Riggi
    Ken Jeong
    Anneliese Van Der Pol
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