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Victor Victoria (1982)

PG Classics, Comedy, Music/Musical

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Out-of-work singer Julie Andrews conspires with Robert Preston to pose as a female impersonator in order to get work on the Paris cabaret circuit. But her sudden success becomes complicated when American night club operator James Garner falls in love with her, correctly believing she really is a woman. Laughs pile up as Andrews tries to maintain the charade while Garner's jealous girlfriend, Lesley Ann Warren, tries to uncover the truth.

  • Directed by
    Blake Edwards
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Julie Andrews
    James Garner
    Robert Preston
    Lesley Ann Warren
    Alex Karras
    John Rhys Davies
    Graham Stark
    Peter Arne
    Sherloque Tanney
    Michael Robbins
    Norman Chancer
    David Gant
    Simon Chandler
    Neil Cunningham
    Olivier Pierre
    Tim Stern
    Sam Williams
    Paddy Ward
    Geoffrey Beevers
    Jay Benedict
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