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Viridiana (1961)

NOT RATED International

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Novice nun Viridiana does her utmost to maintain her Catholic principles, but her lecherous uncle and a motley assemblage of paupers force her to confront the limits of her idealism.

  • Directed by
    Luis Buñuel
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Claudio Brook
    José Calvo
    Juan García Tiendra
    Luis Heredia
    José María Lado
    José Manuel Martín
    Joaquin Mayol
    Sergio Mendizábal
    Narciso Ojeda
    Francisco Rabal
    Francisco René
    Fernando Rey
    Joaquín Roa
    Milagros Tomás
    Alicia Jorge Barriga
    Lola Gaos
    Palmira Guerra
    María Isbert
    Margarita Lozano
    Silvia Pinal
    Teresa Rabal
    Rosita Yarza
    Victoria Zinny
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