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Walt and El Grupo (2009)

PG Documentary

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In 1941, the US government sent Walt Disney and his creative team to South America on a goodwill tour that culminated in Latin American-themed Disney films. Using archival footage and personal testimony, the film reveals a legendary artist at an extraordinary time.

  • Directed by
    Theodore Thomas
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Walt Disney
    Juan Carlos Gonzalez
    Mariuza Barroso Salomao
    Marcelo Nino
    Virgilio Roig
    John Canemaker
    Blaine Gibson
    Diane Disney Miller
    Harriet Wolcott
    J.B. Kaufman
    Jeanette Thomas
    Cindy Garcia
    Lydia Reed
    Leticia Pinheiro
    Sheila Banani
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