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Westworld (1973)

PG Action, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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A futuristic amusement park becomes a deathtrap when the androids and computer systems used in it begin to murderously run amok.

  • Directed by
    Michael Crichton
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Yul Brynner
    Richard Benjamin
    James Brolin
    Alan Oppenheimer
    Victoria Shaw
    Dick Van Patten
    Majel Barrett
    Norman Bartold
    Ann Bellamy
    Wade Crosby
    Steve Franken
    Lauren Gilbert
    Robert Hogan
    Julie Marcus
    Nora Marlowe
    Jared Martin
    Michael T. Mikler
    Robert Patten
    Howard Platt
    Richard Roat
    Charles Seel
    Kenny Washington
    Will J. White
    Davis Roberts
    Orville Sherman
    Lindsay Workman
    Linda Scott
    Terry Wilson
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