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Wheedle's Groove (2009)

NR Documentary, Historical, Music/Musical

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With Producer DJ Mr. Supreme as Director Jennifer Maas' guide, Maas unearths a treasure-trove of archival audio and video recordings by artists such as Black On White Affair; Cold, Bold, and Together; and Cookin' Bag, and paints a vibrant picture of Soul in Seattle and the many people who made it happen. Intriguing interviews with the artists together with industry observations and commiserations from six decades of accepted Seattle music royalty - such as Mark Arm, Ben Gibbard, Quincy Jones, and Sir Mix-A-Lot, to name a few - put both eras in perspective.

  • Directed by
    Jennifer Maas
  • Starring
    Mark Arm
    Kenny G
    Benjamin Gibbard
    Quincy Jones
    Ben Shepherd
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