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White Heat (1949)

NR Action & Adventure, Classics, Crime

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James Cagney explodes on the screen as a demented gangster whose intricate plan to rob an oil refinery is thwarted by a government infiltrator. Co-starring Edmond O'Brien and Virginia Mayo. Recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 400 greatest American films of all time, who also added Cody Jarrett to its' list of 50 Greatest Villains.

  • Directed by
    Raoul Walsh
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    James Cagney
    Virginia Mayo
    Edmond O'brien
    Steve Cochran
    Margaret Wycherly
    John Archer
    Wally Cassell
    Mickey Knox
    Ian Mac Donald
    Fred Clark
    G. Pat Collins
    Paul Guilfoyle
    Fred Coby
    Ford Rainey
    Robert Osterloh
    Claudia Barrett
    Marshall Bradford
    Leo T. Cleary
    Eddie Foster
    Robert Foulk
    Buddy Gorman
    Perry Ivins
    Harry Lauter
    Nolan Leary
    Murray Leonard
    Sid Melton
    Ray Montgomery
    Milton Parsons
    Lee Phelps
    Joey Ray
    Grandon Rhodes
    George Spaulding
    Harry Strang
    Eddie Phillips
    John Mc Guire
    John M. Pickard
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