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White Vengeance (2011)

NR Action, Action & Adventure, Drama

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In a time of tyranny, deception is everywhere. Insurgency swells among the people as two brothers battle for supremacy -and the love of a woman- during the fall of the Qin Dynasty. Liu Bang (Leon Lai) and Xiang Fu (Feng Shaofeng), once united but now locked in combat to rule the insurgent lands in a recreation of history's famed bloody battle for rule and dominion. Witness the beginning of the Red Cliff rebellion with this historic clash, directed by Daniel Lee (3 KINGDOMS, BLACK MASK).

  • Directed by
    Daniel Lee
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Leon Lai
    Feng Shaofeng
    Liu Yifei
    Zhang Hanyu
    Anthony Wong
    Jordan Chan
    Andy On
    Chen Zhi Hui
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