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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)

G Comedy, Family, Kids & Family

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Gene Wilder stars in this magical, musical fantasy for the young, and the young at heart. The mysterious candy maker extraordinaire Willy Wonka hides a Golden Ticket inside five of his famous candy bars. The kids who find them are invited on a grand tour of the wondrous, wacky Wonka factory, and a chance for an even grander prize -- if they can resist temptation. The delightful musical score includes the hit song "The Candyman." From Roald Dahl's classic novel, produced by David Wolper, and nominated for an Academy Award.

  • Directed by
    Mel Stuart
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Gene Wilder
    Jack Albertson
    Peter Ostrum
    Roy Kinnear
    Julie Dawn Cole
    Leonard Stone
    Denise Nickerson
    Dodo Denney
    Paris Themmen
    Ursula Reit
    David Battley
    Gunter Meisner
    Peter Capell
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