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Zelig (1983)

PG Comedy

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In Woody Allen's 'mock-documentary', Leonard Zelig's overwhelming desire to belong is manifested in his ability to take on the facial and vocal characteristics of whomever he happens to be around at the moment. So much so, it has earned him the moniker "the human chameleon." A celebrity in his own right, his talents inspired song, dance and even a Warner Brothers bio-pic.

  • Directed by
    Woody Allen
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Mia Farrow
    John Buckwalter
    Patrick Horgan
    Marvin Chatinover
    Stanley Swerdlow
    Paul Nevens
    Howard Erskine
    Ralph Bell
    Richard Whiting
    Gale Hansen
    Michael Jeter
    Peter Mc Robbie
    Wendy Craig
    Ed Herlihy
    Gerald Klein
    Richard Litt
    Paula Trueman
    Dwight Weist
    Garrett M. Brown
    Mary Louise Wilson
    Kuno Sponholz
    Jeanine Jackson
    Vincent Jerosa
    John Rothman
    Deborah Rush
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