Discovering that the best way to take over the world is through pacifism, Pinky and The Brain travel to the Southwest on horseback and create a colony to teach the world the value of peace, love and improvisation.
Leggo My Ego / Big in Japan (1997)
21 minBut, That's Not All Folks (1997)
20 minOperation Sea Lion / You Said a Mouseful (1997)
21 minThe Tailor and the Mice / Bah, Wilderness (1997)
21 minPinky At the Bat / Schpiel-Borg 2000 (1997)
21 minBroadway Malady (1998)
21 minBrainie the Pooh / Melancholy Brain (1998)
21 minInherit the Wheeze (1998)
21 minBrain's Night Off / Beach Blanket Brain (1998)
21 minThe Family That Poits Together, Narfs Together (1998)
21 minPinky's Turn / "Your Friend: Global Domination" (1998)
21 minYou'll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town Again! (1998)
21 minDangerous Brains (1998)
21 minWhatever Happened to Baby Brain / Just Say Narf (1998)
21 minPinky's Pov / The Really Great Dictator / Brain Food (1998)
21 minBrainwashed, Pt. 1: Brain, Brain Go Away (1998)
21 minBrainwashed, Pt. 2: I Am Not a Hat (1998)
21 minBrainwashed, Part 3: Wash Harder (1998)
21 minTo Russia With Lab Mice / Hickory Dickory Bonk (1998)
21 minThe Pinky and The Brain Reunion Special (1998)
21 minA Legendary Tail / Project Brain (1998)
21 minStar Warners (1998)
22 minDas Mouse (1995)
20 minOf Mouse and Man (2003)
21 minTokyo Grows / That Smarts / Brainstem! (2003)
21 minPinky & The Fog / Where No Mouse Has Gone Before / Cheese Roll Call (2003)
21 minBrainania (2003)
21 minTV or Not TV (2003)
20 minNapoleon Brainaparte (2003)
21 minA Pinky and The Brain Christmas (2003)
22 minSnowball (2003)
21 minAround the World In 80 Narfs (2003)
21 minFly (2003)
20 minAmbulatory Abe / Mouse of La Mancha (2003)
20 minThe Third Mouse / The Visit (2003)
22 minIt's Only a Paper World (2003)
21 minCollect 'Em All / Pinkasso (2003)
21 minPlan Brain from Outer Space (2003)
20 minThe Mummy / Robin Brain (2003)
21 minThe Pink Candidate (2003)
21 minBrain's Song (2003)
20 minWelcome to the Jungle (2003)
22 minA Little Off the Top / Megalomaniacs Anonymous (2003)
21 minTwo Mice and a Baby / The Maze (2003)
21 minBrain of the Future (1997)
20 minBrinky (1997)
21 minHoop Schemes (1997)
21 minLeave It to Beavers / Cinebrainia (1997)
21 minBrain Noir (1997)
20 minPinky and The Brain and... Larry / Where the Deer and the Mouselopes Play (1997)
21 minBrain Bogie / Say What, Earth? (1997)
21 minMy Feldmans, My Friends (1997)
21 minAll You Need Is Narf / Pinky's Plan (1997)
22 minThis Old Mouse (1997)
20 minBrain Storm (1997)
21 minA Meticulous Analysis of History / Funny, You Don't Look Rhennish (1997)
21 minThe Pinky Protocol (1997)
20 minMice Don't Dance / Brain Drained (1997)
21 minBrain Acres (1997)
21 minPinky and the Brainmaker / Calvin Brain (1997)
20 minPinky Suavo / T.H.E.Y. (1997)
21 minThe Real Life (1997)
22 minBrain's Way (1997)
21 minA Pinky and The Brain Halloween (1997)
22 minBrainy Jack (1997)
21 min